CAPS BS 10 TERM 4 WEEK 3 – 4 Relationship and Team Performance

TOPIC – Relationship and team performance

• Ways in which people need to work together to accomplish business objectives; discuss factors that can influence these relationships (e.g. prejudice, beliefs, values and diversity)
— Understanding business objectives (e.g. profit, productivity, service)
— Interpersonal relationships in the workplace (e.g. different hierarchies, management levels, the importance of each individual in achieving business objectives)
— Personal beliefs and values and how they influence business relationships (e.g. prejudice, discrimination, equity, diversity)
• Criteria for successful and collaborative team performance in a business context and assessment of a team against these criteria
— Working in a team to accomplish business objectives, e.g. clear objectives and agreed goals, openness, mutual respect, support and mutual trust, members committed to achievement, sound inter-team relations, individual development opportunities, review of the team processes, etc.
