The Characteristics of the Young Child’s Cognitive functioning

This phase starts approximately at age of 7 and carries on through to the age of 11 years. To relate this to ADHD behavior or any other disorder that influences the development of the brain, it is important to know what is the norm at each stage of the development of the child.

ADHD is regarded as a symptomatic disorder. There is no test you can administer at the age where understanding of language is still limited. However, seeing that the child is lagging behind at certain aspects different from the rest of his peers, is a good indication of problem in the making.

In the following Video we will be focusing on the different characteristics the child will display during this phase. Only through visibly identifying the presence of these characteristics, could we be assured of the fact that normal cognitive development is taking place. If any of these characteristics are absent or are below par, a medical professional need to be consulted.

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