Blindspot 3


a. An insecure leader has a hard time …….. ……… to others. Insecure people need the credit. Therefore, it becomes bothersome to share it. Remember, insecure people are needy people. “No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit for doing it.” -Andrew Carnegie


b. An insecure leader keeps ……………. from his staff. Communication is a form of empowerment. When you release information, you convey trust and confidence to others. When you conceal information, you convey the opposite – no trust, no confidence.


. An insecure leader does not want his staff ……….. to other leaders. They may see qualities in others that they like…and that you don’t possess.


An insecure leader is …………….. by the growth of others.


e. An insecure leader is often a ……………….. . They are control freaks. They have to have tight reigns on everyone and everything so they can ultimately take credit for everything.


a. Danger: Insecure leaders are really not ……….. .


You cannot lead people that you …….. .


Secure leaders love people but they do not ……… people.


b. Danger: Insecure leaders don’t provide …………… for those they lead. You can’t give that which you do not possess.


Secure leaders ………….. and xxxxxxxxxxxx others.


Secure leaders xxxxxxxxxxxx and ………….. others. To become an effective leader, you must make your followers feel good about themselves and what they are doing.


c. Danger: Insecure leaders ……. more from people than they xxxxxxx . Insecure people are on a personal quest for validation and affirmation. Instead of giving validation and affirmation to their followers, they need to receive it from them!


c. Danger: Insecure leaders xxxxxx more from people than they …………. . Insecure people are on a personal quest for validation and affirmation. Instead of giving validation and affirmation to their followers, they need to receive it from them!


Secure leaders ……………… to the benefit of others. Secure leaders do all they can to help others win.


d. Danger: Insecure leaders ………. their best people. Insecure leaders cannot genuinely celebrate victories won by others. (Why? They are jealous of them.)


Secure leaders release their people and allow them to “Go for it.” Secure leaders thrive on seeing others succeed and love to see them reach their God-given potential.


e. Danger: Insecure leaders limit their …………….. . If you limit your best people then you have no other recourse than to limit your organization. Secure leaders allow their organization to “Nothing is a greater impediment to being on good terms with others than being ill at ease with yourself.” -French novelist Honore de Balzac.