Blindspot 5

What Pride Does

In a leader, pride is costly and destructive. It is the inverse of humility:


Instead of taking responsibility, you ………….. . Surely someone else is at fault if things are not working out.


Instead of being objective, you live in ………….. . The prideful leader of a business will choose to ignore what is obvious to everyone else. If something isn’t working, you just turn the other way.


Instead of being open-minded and receptive, you are ……………. or Defensive.. The prideful leader guards the “sacred cows” of the business, and says, “This is the way we’ve always done it.”


Instead of being open-minded and receptive, you are xxxxxxxxx or ……………… . The prideful leader guards the “sacred cows” of the business, and says, “This is the way we’ve always done it.”


Instead of flexibility you have ……….. . “We do it my way or I’m out of here.” The ghosts of the past, especially past successes, will haunt you and hold you back.


Instead of team spirit, you end up with ………………. . The prideful leader inflates himself and deflates others. He always wants to take credit for the successes. His best staff or volunteers eventually get discouraged and leave for a better place to serve.


Instead of loyalty, you experience a ………. ………….. ………… among the volunteers and paid staff. If you want to keep your people, serve them and watch for ways to help them become more productive workers. Help them succeed, and give them the credit.


Instead of being connected, you find yourself ……. ….. ……… with the client, the customer, or the community you’re trying to reach. Pride causes you to think it’s all about you when really, it’s all about them.