From the Course Director
This course is to not only unpack the issues of weak management and governance at schools but to also expose the school management team and the School Governing body to possible adjustments they can make to facilitate the efficient management and governance of their School.
School governing Bodies role in school management is to be supportive of the Principal while the principal’s role on the school governing body, is to ensure that the school governing body is kept informed about decisions taken regarding the professional management of the school, as well to explain the policies within which and educational institute must function. Regardless of how good the strategies and the intention of the department of Education may be in the improvement of management and governance, having effective Governing bodies as well highly competent as well as emotionally intelligent individuals at the helm of both the SGb and the school, will be key to the success of school. It is the ultimately not the strategies that leads to improvement but the willingness of people to come together as a team to fulfil a common purpose.