Chapter 5 – Supervision – Part B – Information Officer

  • ¹lChapter 5


Part B

Information Officer

Section 55

Duties and responsibilities of Information Officer

  1. An information officer’s responsibilities include—
    1. the encouragement of compliance, by the body, with the conditions for the lawful processing of personal information;
    2. dealing with requests made to the body pursuant to this Act;
    3. working with the Regulator in relation to investigations conducted pursuant to Chapter 6 in relation to the body;
    4. otherwise ensuring compliance by the body with the provisions of this Act; and
    5. as may be prescribed.
  2. Officers must take up their duties in terms of this Act only after the responsible party has registered them with the Regulator.

Section 56

Designation and delegation of deputy information officers

Each public and private body must make provision, in the manner prescribed in section 17 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, with the necessary changes, for the designation of —

  1. such a number of persons, if any, as deputy information officers as is necessary to perform the duties and responsibilities as set out in section 55(1) of this Act; and
  2. any power or duty conferred or imposed on an information officer by this Act to a deputy information officer of that public or private body.
