SASA – Chapter 3 (PUBLIC SCHOOLS) Regulation 24 – Membership of Governing Body of Public School for Learners with Special Education Needs

24. Membership of governing body of public school for learners with special education needs.

(1) The following categories of persons must be represented on a governing body of a public school for learners with special education needs, in each case by a member or members of the respective category:

(a) Parents of learners at the school, if reasonably practicable;

(b) educators at the school;

(c) members of staff at the school who are not educators;

(d) learners attendingMembership of governing body of public school for learners with special
education needs the eighth grade or higher, if reasonably practicable;

(e) representatives of sponsoring bodies, if applicable;

( f ) representatives of organisations of parents of learners with special education needs, if applicable;

(g) representatives of organisations oMembership of governing body of public school for learners with special
education needsf disabled persons, if applicable;

(h) disabled persons, if applicable; and

(i) experts in appropriate fields of special needs education.

( j) the principal in his or her official capacity. [Para. ( j) added by s. 7 of Act No. 100 of 1997.]

(2) Subject to this Act, the Member of the Executive Council must, by notice in the Provincial Gazette, determine the number of members in each category referred to in subsection (1) and the manner of election or appointment of such members at every public school for learners with special education needs within his or her province.

(3) A notice contemplated in subsection (2) must give interested parties an opportunity to make written submissions within a period of not less than 30 days.

(4) The Member of the Executive Council must consider all such submissions, and thereafter may alter the notice contemplated in subsection (2).
