SASA – Chapter 3 (PUBLIC SCHOOLS) Regulation 29 – Office-bearers of Governing Bodies.

29. Office-bearers of governing bodies.

(1) A governing body must, from amongst its members, elect office-bearers, who must include at least a chairperson, a treasurer and a secretary.

(2) Only a parent member of a governing body who is not employed at the public school may serve as the chairperson of the governing body.

(3) In the case of a public school for learners with special education needs any member of the governing body elected from the categories of persons referred to in section 24 (1) (a), (e), ( f ), (g), (h) and (i) may serve as the chairperson of that governing body. [Sub-s. (3) added by s. 12 of Act No. 48 of 1999.]
